Juegos del Cierzo

Le cierzo est le nom d'un vent typique qui souffle dans l'Aragon (Espagne). Il a donné son nom au tournoi LGBT multisport qu'organise le club Elaios de Saragosse. L'édition 2015 des compétions de natation aura lieu les 18 et 19 avril 2015

Message des organisateurs: 

Hello girls, Hello boys, 
The Cierzo Swimming official tournament 2015 is the guarantee that this year’s spring heat won't be hanging heavy on You! Between the 18th-19th of April, we’ll be welcoming Europe's athletes in Zaragoza (Spain) . Saturday, after the day-long swimming competitions, we plan to celebrate the achievements and successes with a huge party and dinner, where all participants can come together and also meat with Spanish girls and boys notable for their beauty and cheerfulness. Would You like to take part of this engaging late holiday? It's time to include in Your agenda: "Juegos del Cierzo 2015 Zaragoza" (Spain) 18-19th April.

We hope to meet You in April, best regards, natació

Moyen d'accès:
Ligne directe RyanAir Paris <> Zaragoza depuis l'aéroport de Beauvais

18 avril 2015 00:00 au 19 avril 2015 00:00
Détails événements
Affiliation LGBT
Type Natation Course