
Tournoi multisports (dont waterpolo et natation course) de Barcelone organisé par le club LGBT Panteres Grogues.

Les épreuves de natation course auront lieu le samedi 14/09/2024 à la piscine Sant Jordi (C/ de París, 86, 114, L'Eixample, 08029 Barcelona), en bassin de 50m.

Competition in 50 m. swimming pool, supervised by the Catalan Swimming Federation (FNC).  Festive and accessible to everyone, even if you’re not a regular to competition or it’s your very first time. And if you are a regular to competitions, the FNC referee will officially record your best score. Registrations until 01 September 2024. The organization will award gold, silver, and bronze medals to the top three finishers according to the Catalan table scoring in each individual event, both in the male and female categories. Medals will also be given to the top three relay teams in each age category.

Les épreuves de waterpolo auront lieu le vendredi 13/09/2024 et samedi 14/09/2024 dans les piscines de Monjuic (Carrer del Regent Mendieta, 14, 20, Les Corts, 08028 Barcelona, Espagne) avec 2 catégories : loisir et compétition. 

The tournament will be divided into two categories (competitive and recreational) and will take place at the Montjuïc Municipal Swimming Pools in Barcelona. Simultaneously, two matches will be played divided into two parts of 10 minutes with qualified referees following FINA regulations adapted by levels. Teams must have a minimum of 10 players (players who come alone will be placed in one of the registered teams). Gold, silver and bronze medals will be given to the top 3 teams in each category.

Clôture des inscriptions : 1/09/2024.


13 septembre 2024 17:00 au 15 septembre 2024 00:00
Détails événements
Affiliation LGBT
Type Natation Course, Water-Polo